What Is The Big One?

What is the Big One?

The Big One is a descriptive term used as a strong and disastrous earthquake scenario. It is magnitude 8 or higher. Here in our country, It is said that the West Valley Fault could move to Metro Manila which is considered to cause serious damage so others called it The Big One. Experts say the West Valley Fault goes through in the provinces of Bulacan, Rizal, Cavite, Laguna, Quezon City, Marikina City, Pasig City, Makati City, Taguig City, and Muntinlupa City could be damaged if the West Valley Fault moves. Not only can The Big One happen in Metro Manila or Luzon, but it can also happen in other parts of the Philippines because of active faults and trenches in the Philippines.

For more related topics about The Big One and Earthquakes, click these links below:

brainly.ph/question/674199- Ano ang "The Big One"?

brainly.ph/question/808117- List of Inactive Faults in the Philippines

brainly.ph/question/1768304- Are you ready for The Big One?

brainly.ph/question/424780- What will you do Before and After the Earthquake?



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