Answer This Question Immediately, It Is Said That Left Handers Are Creative And Are Adept At Arts. While Right Handers Are Good At Literature, Math, S


It is said that left handers are creative and are adept at arts. While right handers are good at literature, math, science and language. It is explained by the cross-wiring of the brain.

Im a left hander yet Im bad at arts, am not creative. Yet, I excell at language and writing. I am very good in science too.

Im so confused

Its all hoax. Lol.

Cross wiring of brain was tested by using Wada test. A test in which one side of the brain is anaesthetized using a drug. In this test(all participants were right handers), right handers showed left hemisphere dominance. Cross wiring was proposed on the basis of this test.

A question! Does that necessarily mean left handers should show right hemisphere dominance?

No studies were carried on this regards for long. And rumours flew that left handers are more creative. It was further boosted by evidencing several artists who are left handers.

Recent researches tested for cross wiring in lefties. Results were amazing! Only 20% lefties showed right hemisphere dominanace. Other majority showed functioning of brain just like right handers.

And possible explanation could be, you might be a leftie belonging to the other 80% whose brain functioning is just like


And none until now gave an explanation why. But for sure, there is more to discover on regards of cross wiring. Some biologists even doubt that whether dominance of any one hemisphere can be related to handedness or not. Studies to yet come by!

There are more complex notions to explain. I simplified it on purpose.


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