Ano Ano Ang Topic Sa Science Ka Pag Ikaw Ay Grade 6 Na

Ano ano ang topic sa science ka pag ikaw ay grade 6 na

From what i could remember sa aking pinagaralan ang mga naging topic namin ay

Mga Energy (And i remembered the song which is Energy cant be created and that Energy cant be destroyed)

Tas mga Kinetic Energy which is Energy that is in motion and Physical Energy which is the energy that are stored

Tas may mga Solar System remember this name MVEM J. SUN this name represents the order of the planets from nearest to farthest at the Sun where

M - ercury

V - enus

E - arth

M - ars

J - upiter

S - aturn

U - ranus

N - eptune

It is said to be that Pluto is not considered as a planet its just a dwarf planet

And then Circulatory System which consist of blood, vessels and then the heart. The blood that contains plasma, white nlood cells, red blood cells etc. Vessel has a different parys also but i cant remember and then the heart which have arteries, valves, veins etc.

And then theres Northeast Monsoon and Southwest Monsoon

And the Motion

And then the parts of the Earth? Like the Core, the Crust etc.

The Scientific Laboratory equipments like beaker, graduated cylinder, the test tubes, test tube holder, test tube crack?(like a cabinet for test tubes or something), tri pod, iron stand, iron key? Etc.

And then about Plants like Photosynthesis it is a process and then the parts of it which are chlorophyll, stomata, leaves, stems, roots etc.

And then theres also animals which are Vertebrates - animals that have backbone and the Invertebrates - animals that dont have backbones. And theres also a Carnivore - animals that eats only meat, Herbivore - animals that eat Plants, Omnivores - animals that eat both meat and plants

And then theres also Matter - that occupies space and has mass and then types of matter - Solid, liquid, and gas. And then theres also different types of ahmmm just that like Melting, Freezing, Evaporation, Condensation, Sublimation, (Deposition) ??? There are 6 of them

And then about Skeletons the different types of bones like jaw bone that protects the gums and teeth, skull that protects the brain, spinal cord etc. (and then I could still remember the skeletom dance lol)

Thats pretty much what i could remember lol. So i hope you learned the lesson class hahaha lol


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